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Welcome to the Collective

August 27, 2022
Written by 
Christie Pang
2 min read

Seeking to make screen time and AI a net positive for every child.

If it takes a village to raise a child, can tech be part of that village too?

Thank you for being awesome enough to care about how our next generation will interact with AI and screens. Regardless of where you are or why you’re interested, we want you to be part of our empowered and creative collective that have something to say and questions to ask about this topic.

To kick things off, 200 of us across Asia and Silicon Valley responded enthusiastically to the Learning Labs (renamed Lirvana Labs) survey about AI, Educational Apps & Media for Kids in 2021, during the height of the Pandemic globally. By popular demand, we are sharing the collective wisdom of all of you, and feel free to forward it along. So many tech-savvy, kids-loving, creative teachers & parents among us.


Here’s What We Said Collectively

How many kids between 3-9yo do you currently have or teach?
A total of 220 kids+ represented

Do you have any favorite videos, audio channels, subscriptions, TV series, or artists for your kids?

Most just YouTube or google “Kids Music” or “Baby Songs”, but a good number have customized playlists for kids

Whether or not we have a personalized playlist, most of us do have some favorites.

Other frequently mentioned names…

Most of us felt that...
  • Our kids can learn language and math concepts from passive and interactive media
  • We let our kids watch/listen to media content for some educational purpose
…but we are split on whether we feel we could track the exact concepts our kids learned after consuming online content

We want a super Learning App that:
  • Delivers language and math reasoning concepts effectively
  • Helps kids build social-emotional learning muscles and put them into practice
  • Is personalized to our kids’ interests and progress so they love to learn!

Less is more here, since we are also trying to maximize offline parent-child playtime and limit screen time.

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